Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My spine buckles when I’m outside Your presence,
I’m comfortable crying only in Your Presence,
Thoughts of You brings me into Your presence,
A glimpse of the future, a beauty to behold only in Your presence,
My greatest life goal is to come to a place where I’m perpetually in Your presence.


Zayzee said...

i found you, u quietly sneaked into blogville?
na lie o! im so exposing you to my blogville family.

Chris Ogunlowo said...


We caught you ;)

Welcome to blogville.

funkola said...

welcome to the family.
i love this note, y'know, the part about comfortably crying in His presence. where else can one not feel judged?

James said...

@aloofar, its good to be caught. thanks.

James said...

@funkola, thank you. Really notice that He doesn't tell on you. its always between the two of you.

Rita said...

Hi Dear, I am sure you got my comment that I really love your poems. Please keep up the good work.

It appears that I wanted to leave a comment on your blog but I used a different log in name "Nwa Chi". Just wanted to let you know that "Nwa Chi" and "Rita" are the same. However, I chose to keep a low profile on the "Nwa Chi" blog because it is an assignment for a Christian Writer's training I am undergoing.

Thanks for your understanding and I apologise for not letting you know about this on time.